The Promise Perspective Podcast

The Harmony of the "Old" and "New" Testaments | Episode 30

Stephanie Green Season 4 Episode 30

**Please see updated transcript, as some verses are misquoted in Episode 30** 

If there is one thing I am continuing to learn as I study Scripture, it is just how much harmony is between the “Old” Testament and the “New” Testament. I really don’t like using those words, “old” and “new,” because the truth is, is that labeling certain sections of the Bible as “Old Testament” and “New Testament” is a result of manmade title pages inserted into our Bible today to subtly divide the two, when that should have never been the case. 

We should not have this perception of “old” and “new” when it comes to Scripture today. 

In fact, the New Testament really doesn’t teach anything “new.” It confirms, strengthens, magnifies, and renews what has already been established. We have a “renewed” (i.e. new) covenant that was brought forth through our Messiah, but without understanding what it means to be in covenant with the Most High in the first place, there is much that will go misunderstood, and it becomes easy for one to read the New Testament with an isolated understanding of Scripture as a whole. 

I am desperate to bring reconciliation to this issue, and it is for that reason that I want to take some time in today’s episode to discuss the harmony between the “Old Testament” and “New Testament.” 

Episode 30 Transcript

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