The Promise Perspective Podcast
The Promise Perspective Podcast aims to teach you how to anchor your heart in the promises and commandments of Yahuah. As the world constantly pulls our attention in every direction, in this space, you’ll find discussions on what it truly means to elevate your perspective to seeing things through a lens that we are all called to have as Yahuah's children. The Promise Perspective’s mission is to equip you with the encouragement, tools, and Scripture needed to cultivate your heart and teach you how to have a mindset completely rooted in His Word. Your host, Stephanie, is excited to join you on your walk with Yahusha to help teach you the unshakable foundation and authority we have because of Him.
The Promise Perspective Podcast
The "True" Vine & the Vinedresser | Episode 27
“I am the TRUE vine, and My Father is the Vinedresser.”
John 15:1
I believe that there is a grievous misunderstanding within the body at large about the reason our Messiah was sent here. Without this understanding, we can’t truly know what it means to ”abide” in Him the way He instructs His disciples to as we continue to read through that passage in John 15. This deserves our attention, because He warns us that if we don’t “abide” in Him, we will be likened to a branch that gets cut off and cast away.
This is why we must understand how the branches were broken off to begin with. Broken branches in Scripture is symbolic to a broken covenant. Without this understanding, we cannot understand how the covenant was renewed through our Messiah.
He didn’t replace His Father’s covenant—He renewed it.
He came to atone for sin, yes, but the true gospel message is SO much deeper than that. He came to renew the covenant, in which He made a way for both natural and wild branches to be restored. This is why He says “I am the TRUE Vine” now.
But out of all things, why would our Messiah use the imagery of a vine and a vineyard in His instructions and parables?
Because He was/is teaching from the Scriptures. He is bringing to mind the prophecy that points us to Him. If you are wondering, “what prophecy?” then I encourage you to tap in to Episode 27.
In order to understand the back of the Book, we have to have a foundation in the Tanakh—what people refer to as “Old” Testament. It is truly amazing how much Scripture can bring so much revelation and clarity to just one short verse in John 15:1.
Episode 27 Transcript
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