The Promise Perspective Podcast
The Promise Perspective Podcast aims to teach you how to anchor your heart in the promises and commandments of Yahuah. As the world constantly pulls our attention in every direction, in this space, you’ll find discussions on what it truly means to elevate your perspective to seeing things through a lens that we are all called to have as Yahuah's children. The Promise Perspective’s mission is to equip you with the encouragement, tools, and Scripture needed to cultivate your heart and teach you how to have a mindset completely rooted in His Word. Your host, Stephanie, is excited to join you on your walk with Yahusha to help teach you the unshakable foundation and authority we have because of Him.
The Promise Perspective Podcast
Entering in Through the "Narrow Gate" | Episode 21
Then one said to Him, “Master, are there few who are saved?”
And He said to them, “Strive to enter through the narrow gate, for many, I say to you, will seek to enter and will not be able” (Luke 13:23-24).
What does it mean to “strive” to enter in through the narrow gate?
According to our Messiah’s words, striving and seeking are two very different things. Yahusha was not talking about those who aren’t seeking at all. He’s talking about the difference between those who are “striving” and those who are “seeking.”
This is worthy of some serious attention.
There is a word that I am constantly stirring over...it’s one that has created an inner turmoil for me that I know I need to continue to wrestle with and sit with. It’s a word that I cannot seem to shake:
Many are called, FEW are chosen.
The path is narrow and FEW find it.
The harvest is plenty but the laborers are FEW.
Only a remnant is making it through the narrow gate that leads to life.
I want to share with you where my studies have led me in understanding what it means to truly STRIVE. I want to share with you why several Hebrew word studies have helped me better understand the call of Yahuah’s remnant—His covenant people. There have been many thoughts and several verses in Scripture that I’ve wrestled with over the last several months.
This wrestling for truth has afflicted me, disciplined me, humbled me and now I’m ready to strive with you over some hard, yet necessary truths.
Episode 21 Transcript
Contact me: stephanie@promise-perspective.com
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