The Promise Perspective Podcast
The Promise Perspective Podcast aims to teach you how to anchor your heart in the promises and commandments of Yahuah. As the world constantly pulls our attention in every direction, in this space, you’ll find discussions on what it truly means to elevate your perspective to seeing things through a lens that we are all called to have as Yahuah's children. The Promise Perspective’s mission is to equip you with the encouragement, tools, and Scripture needed to cultivate your heart and teach you how to have a mindset completely rooted in His Word. Your host, Stephanie, is excited to join you on your walk with Yahusha to help teach you the unshakable foundation and authority we have because of Him.
The Promise Perspective Podcast
The Role of the Priesthood & a Tour of the Tabernacle | Episode 11
We have a new High Priest.
It is prophesied that those in covenant with Yahuah will become a kingdom of priests.
It is only those who take part in the first resurrection that will serve in this new priesthood during the Millennial Reign.
What does this mean to Believers today?
How are we supposed to apply this understanding to our own lives?
More so, how are we to function, since the body is currently the new Temple/Tabernacle of Elohim, yet with the understanding that we are also anticipating the Tabernacle not made with human hands to dwell with us in the New Jerusalem?
Do we know what it means to be a part of a “royal priesthood?”
These are all questions I hope to address over the next several episodes.
If we don’t understand this fundamental piece of the gospel message, how do we expect to reign with our Messiah as priests?
This is not explicitly stated in Scripture, but this is our training period, beloved.
This is one of the reasons why ‘Season 4: Who is Israel?’ has been so focused on covenant thus far. But now it’s time to switch gears. We have a renewed covenant, but we also have a renewed priesthood.
The focus of Episode 11 today is on the role of the Levitical priesthood and the Tabernacle built by the children of Israel under the guidance of Moses. While we are not under the order of Aaron anymore, and while many of the commandments concerning Levites do not apply to us at this particular moment in Yah’s timeline of redemption, this has led many to believe that the priesthood in the Tanakh is no longer relevant to our understanding of our call to the priestly office today.
I find it interesting that the Bible only has two chapters devoted to explaining how Yahuah created the entire world. But it devotes dozens of chapters to the tabernacle and the priesthood. The amount of space that Yahuah devotes to the instructions of building His earthly Tabernacle should grab our attention.
But if we’re being honest (I’ve been guilty of this too), we either skip through those chapters or skim them just briefly. I am here to tell you that these chapters are more important than you think or have been led to believe. This is something that will take a couple more episodes to thoroughly unpack.
As we go through more detail on the new priesthood next time, I want you to first be able to see how this blueprint of the Tabernacle given to Moses was revealed in the sacrifice of our Messiah, and illustrates the purpose and role of the new priesthood we are called to be a part of today.
It is such a beautiful truth that the body needs. I pray this helps to repair that breach.
The earthly tabernacle was a physical blueprint of a spiritual reality, in which the “pattern” Moses was shown on the Mount was a resemblance of Yahuah’s Tabernacle, aka “Dwelling Place” in heaven, in which is woven all throughout Scripture.
Let’s study.
Supplemental Documents:
Episode 11 Transcript
Blueprint of the Sanctuary & Tabernacle
Contact me: stephanie@promise-perspective.com
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