The Promise Perspective Podcast
The Promise Perspective Podcast aims to teach you how to anchor your heart in the promises and commandments of Yahuah. As the world constantly pulls our attention in every direction, in this space, you’ll find discussions on what it truly means to elevate your perspective to seeing things through a lens that we are all called to have as Yahuah's children. The Promise Perspective’s mission is to equip you with the encouragement, tools, and Scripture needed to cultivate your heart and teach you how to have a mindset completely rooted in His Word. Your host, Stephanie, is excited to join you on your walk with Yahusha to help teach you the unshakable foundation and authority we have because of Him.
The Promise Perspective Podcast
The Medo-Persians & the Call to Rebuild | Episode 8
After King Cyrus of Persia conquered Babylon, he issued a decree that would allow the Yahudim to return to their homeland. Isaiah and Jeremiah were both prophets that had witnessed to the people of this coming event (Isaiah 13:17 & Jeremiah 51:11).
“Then rose up the chief of the fathers of Judah and Benjamin, and the priests, and the Levites, with all them whose spirit Elohim had raised, to go up to build the house of Yahuah which is in Jerusalem.”
Ezra 1:5
In this episode, we reach a point in time in which the Babylonian captivity was over and it was time to return home and rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem. While the majority of the Yahudim (Jews) chose to stay in Babylon at the time, Yahuah strengthened the hands of the spirit-filled minority of those who chose to return through the guidance of people like Ezra, Nehemiah and Haggai.
If there is one word I could use to summarize the heart and motive of those Yahuah chose to oversee the rebuilding of Jerusalem, it would be “reconciliation.”
I want to summarize this episode by listing some highlights that this episode will cover. Yahuah is leading me to sit with this episode for a bit and unpack some more things with anyone who wants to listen.
Here are the main points of this episode:
- The Medo-Persians and the extent of the Persian Empire
- The call to rebuild and the return from Babylon
- The work of Ezra and Nehemiah
- How Yah’s covenant was made possible with Gentiles
- Esther 8:17 (this is a big one)
- A preface to how history of a specific group of people has been erased
I hope and pray that the Father is using this season to edify you and pour into you in your studies.
Supplemental Documents:
Episode 8 Transcript
1650 African Map (Nicolas Sanson)
Contact me: stephanie@promise-perspective.com
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